Monday, September 26, 2016

Why People Hate Jason Genova

Jason Genova is a fitness YouTuber known for telling his supporters to attack other people's social media. It is unclear of the extent of his mental issues, but he may have OCD, ADD, be on the autism spectrum, or possibly have fetal alcohol syndrome. Whatever he has, he can pretty much function like a normal dude, and is often unintentionally hilarious. His channel, and that of his squad the Delray Misfits, gained a cult-like following on reddit, 4chan, and misc.

Jason scammed his fans out of money. He 'sold' t-shirts online at his sickeningsupplements website, but once people paid, he never sent them their products. He blamed it on the guy who ran the site, and despite telling people he would issue refunds, it was the other guy that had to do it. He claims that he was only the face of the 'company', but didn't do any of the real work. He then had the audacity to beg his supporters to click on his YouTube ads so he could make more money.

Jason sends thousands of his supporters to attack and spam other people's social media accounts, sometimes for no reason at all. The "order 66" has become The Spaniard's trademark, and he's become drunk with power. It started innocently enough -- the angry vegan gains, the delusional Jason Blaha -- but then he order 66ed people who didn't deserve it, namely the oily Rich Piana. And we all know how THAT ended. Even though Rich shouldn't have slapped the fuck out of him, he had a point when he said that Jason was fucking around too much. Unless a person attacks Jason first, order 66ing him or her is a bitch move.

Jason treats his friends like shit. The best example is the earliest example: when he ditched his closest ally and cameraman, Andrew the Angel, in exchange for a shitty digital camera. Up until that point, Andrew had done most of the filming for Jason's YouTube channel (for no pay, might I add). Then, some internet rando named Chad tried to 'rebrand' Jason and offered to buy him his own camera if Jason ditched Andrew. Jason, the hoe that he is, did just that. After watching every single Delray Misfits episode, I have never seen anybody treat Jason with the amount of respect (and fucking patience) as Andrew. Not even Jason's own mother.

Jason wastes genetic potential. He looked decent when he was coached by Adam, so we know he has potential. He has calves. But he can't stick to a diet for more than 3 days. Adam literally had to stalk Jason to make sure he didn't hit up Burger King. Jason also has great facial hair genetics, but his face is the only part of his body that he keeps hygienic and shaved. He doesn't take advantage of the gifts that God gave him.

Jason is obsessed with his social media accounts. Everybody hates that one girl who takes too many selfies and obsesses over likes and retweets. Jason is that girl. Andrew once tried to give him a real talk about friendship, and Jason brought it back to YouTube subscribers every other second. Jason had the chance to meet 8 TIME MR. OLYMPIA Ronnie Coleman, but he only cared about the views it would bring to his channel. He also just becomes a different, weirder version of himself when he turns the camera on. He's become a narcissistic jerk.

Even if Jason is autistic/OCD/ADD/has some kind of metal issue, he's still an asshole. He may be a good person at heart, but to his friends and his fans, he's an asshole.

Friday, September 23, 2016

Why People Hate Jason Blaha

Jason Blaha is a fitness YouTuber that makes content aimed at fitness noobs. He is/was a competitive powerlifter, but seems to be over the hump and doesn't really train for much these days. He used to be a bodybuilder, though shoddy records don't prove he ever won a competition. Nowadays, he is best known for being so delusional that he's had multiple YouTube channels created that are dedicated to unraveling all of his lies and fictitious stories. 

Jason's YouTube channel regurgitates the same topics over and over again to fitness noobs. Once you've watched ten videos, you've seen them all. He has so many fucking videos that one of them is bound to pop up on a recommended feed for someone watching fitness YouTubers. They'll sub for a bit, then leave him after they realize he's full of shit -- repeat forever with different people. It's the perfect business plan for a shitty channel.

Jason is allegedly guilty of stolen valor. He's pretended to have worked as a CIA agent and as a mercenary. People called bullshit, and he got his friend to post an anonymous video confirming his fake stories. Miscers or just people with too much fucking time on their hands backtracked this guy, and found that he has absolutely no mercenary history either. I'm sure if someone could actually find Jason, we'd get a great addition to those stolen valor confrontation videos.

Jason preaches certain training methods and dieting routines yet lacks the body to back them up. He's a strong advocate of a 3 day, full body program. All of his videos tout his superior knowledge about training and diet, yet he looks like he's never touched a weight in his life. NOT TO MENTION THAT HE'S ON GEAR. If you're taking PEDs. have been training for over a decade, and you don't look good, you're bullshitting either your diet or your training and are not qualified to dole out advice.

Jason is a filthy hypocrite in all aspects of live. He talks about going vegetarian because he saw a cow get slaughtered. Then he says you're a "little fucking bitch" if you don't eat bacon. He says "little men" attack women. Then he calls Dana Linn Bailey a horse.  He says protein powders are a waste of money. Then he promotes protein powder on his channel for money. The list goes on and on, but these are the highlights.

Jason is either seriously delusional, or our reptilian overlord. He made THOUSANDS of posts on a message board dedicated to a strange conspiracy theory that the world is run by lizard people. Before you say that this there's no way it was him, he admits it all. His excuse is that he was a paid fiction writer who has signed a contract to not give any details about it. That excuse is so fucking crazy it basically refutes itself, but in case it isn't enough, Jason gave personal information on his DarkEternal page that stripped his anonymity dozens of times over. Not something a "professional fiction writer" would have done.

This is basically just a highlight list of what some good folks have put together at It all paints a picture of a sad man with mental issues. But he's still a fucking asshole.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Why People Hate Marc Lobliner

Marc is a former competitive bodybuilder, CMO of, CEO of MTS Nutrition, and fitness YouTuber with over 300,000 subscribers. Marc has competed in multiple shows in the lightweight 154ib class, with at least two first place finishes in local competitions. Tiger Fitness is essentially Marc’s personal brand, and MTS is the name he’s chosen to label his ‘nutritional’ supplements. The loud manlet stays lean year round, thrives on drama, and does give good tips (occasionally).  

Marc yells in all of his videos. BOOM. He doesn’t just yell at the beginning of the video to get your attention. He yells the ENTIRE way through. It’s almost as bad as the Instagram videos that don’t allow you to adjust the volume. You can adjust the volume on his vids, but quiet yelling just sounds off. He's made it this far while yelling, so he probably thinks that if he stops yelling, he'll lose all his gains, subscribers, and businesses. Best to keep it safe.

Marc is a shill for the supplement industry. He offers protein powders, preworkouts, cortisol control agents, fat burners — all the typical BS you can find at any supplement company’s site. He tries to pretend that over the counter testosterone boosters work, even though the only thing to increase your testosterone is literal testosterone injections. When he talks about his own TRT usage, he even ADMITS that it’s the only way to fix a hormonal imbalance. To put it kindly, he's a sellout hypocrite who cares more about his bottom line than his supporters (who, to be fair, he cares about a lot.)

Marc is (quite possibly) a fake natty. He’s not specific when it comes to gear use, only saying that he has always competed in untested shows. He says that he is now on doctor-supervised TRT and HGH for naturally low testosterone. But he’s yoked, and my brain says that anybody bigger than me has to be on steroids. That, and the gyno. That, and a height/weight/bodyfat % of 5'6/217/9% spits out an FFMI of 31 - 32 which puts him waay above the natty range of ~25.

Marc went crazy on a man with mental issues. Okay, so Jason Genova isn't all completely there. But it's ridiculous to get seriously mad at him for order 66ing you and sending his supporters to down-vote your social media posts. Calling Jason a "scumbag psychopath" wasn't the high road. Marc essentially lost this YouTube beef by blowing up at Jason, the troll. Trolls gonna troll. If you flip the fuck out, that's on you. 

Marc is a drama hoe. He makes videos on other people's drama when he can't think of another topic. It's cheap to profit off someone else's hardships, especially when you don't have anything insightful to say. Marc makes hundreds to thousands of dollars per video, so while it's not surprising that he takes the easy way out with drama videos, it is disappointing.

He has redeeming qualities (he's nice, apparently), but his tendencies to lie and sell-out fail to separate him from the rest of the cancerous fitness industry.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Why People Hate Bostin Loyd

Bostin Lloyd is the CEO of Team 3CC and a former competitive bodybuilder that rose to internet fame by disclosing his entire PED regimen to anybody that would listen. His initial one year steroid transformation went viral online and triggered nattys and YouTube fitness celebrities all around the world. He’s admitted to having done every kind of steroid that he could got his hands on, with undesirable side effects (including lactating… ew). 

Bostin's Team 3CC brand is cringey and is rooted in sketychy synthol saleswebsite forum subscriptions, and clients. His Team 3CC car is hilariously trashybut so are the majority of his customers (just my guess). Bostin has said that most of his clients are on gear, so if you want to take advice from a reverse jacked ninja turtle, hand over your $12.99 via credit card.

Bostin uploads controversial steroid-related videos on the daaaaaaaily (baaaby, please). Including a recent one showing him pinning ALL KINDZ of gear #edgy. He gives a bunch of tips for injection sites and people have criticized him for encouraging steroid use. Honestly, he’s probably scared thousands of 15 year old boys with those ugly-ass glutes and that bloody rag. He’s said that he’s not worried about  making himself a target for the DEA because he doesn’t sell steroids anymore. Some deranged NattyOrNot DYELers think steroids are morally reprehensible and hate him for his flagrant use of them. Betas, amiright?

Bostin created a gay4pay/muscle worship websiteWhatever it takes, right babe? The plan was to get poor, desperate bodybuilders to sign up on his site, Bostin would pimp them out to strange men with fetishes, and the poor bastards would take home 60% of their earnings. According to him, it ended up being a business failure and he sold it off. But any publicity is good publicity when you're trying to avoid fucking a grapefruit

Bostin's entire life is about bodybuilding. His passions are for eating and injecting. His dad, Jon Lloyd, had a world-class physique and apparently kept his PED needles under the sink. His mom, Marie Raia, has competed in over 40 bodybuilding contests and even let a young Bostin join her on stage. His parents went through a messy divorce, and his mom remarried another bodybuilderBostin’s girlfriend is also a competitive bodybuilder (although not the daughter of former competitive bodybuilder Dave Palumbo, who is perhaps most famous for being the origin of the term “palumboism”). This triggers people who believe that fitness should supplement a person's life, not consume it.

Bostin is a sore loser. He lost the 2016 NPC Border Klash competition despite looking pretty decent. He didn't blow away his competitors, so his loss wasn't surprising. But he went on a 20 minute rant that blamed his loss on politics and tans instead of the size and conditioning of his competitors. Nobody likes an entitled bodybuilder. Not even one who's honest about steroids.

When it comes down to it... he’s not a fake natty, he doesn’t sell the same old pre-workout under a new name, and he’s a goddamn family man. All he does is create controversy and profit from it. As one reddit user said, he's the Kim Kardashian of bodybuilding.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Why People Hate Mike O'Hearn

Mike O’Hearn is a fitness model and owner of The Frog who has enraged natty judges worldwide by claiming that his physique was attained drug-free.  He has 4 Mr. Universe titles and has been on 500 fitness covers (only second to our favorite former California governor). He has an extensive TV and film history, most notably a major role in American Gladiators and an Epic Rap Battles of History appearance. The most impressive aspect of his life, however, is that he at one point held the record for the "Most Panels of Glass Run Through."

Mike doesn't just claim natty - he swears up and down, left and right, hand on the bible, koran, and torah, that he is 100% drug-free.  Anybody with a beginner knowledge of the world of bodybuilding knows that Mike O’Hearn has to be taking a shit ton cell tech to look the way he does, but this is nothing new. No, BigMuscleSupplements (TM) won’t make a difference, despite their promises of “DICK-HARDENING PUMPS” and “ORGY-WORTHY ENERGY”It’s one thing if a sponsored athlete won’t admit to steroid use because he could lose his contracts and livelihood. It’s a completely other issue if they go out of their way to delude their audience (aka insecure teenage boys) into thinking that they can look like he-man without ever touching a needle. There is nothing inherently wrong with steroid use, but to pretend you can be 240 pounds at 7% percent body fat is dishonest at it’s best and dangerous at it’s worse. 

Mike O’Hearn sold 1 month supplies of bullshit 'anti-aging' vials for $699.  He did this until it blew up online (thank you, r/bb, and /fit/) and faced enough backlash that he was forced to take it down... and then when no one was looking, he put it back up. He is the ultimate snake oil salesman and his dishonesty is only superseded by the stupidity of his buyers.

Mike O’Hearn has possibly lied about winning athletic competitions. In the words of his own Instagram, he is a “PowerBodybuilding HOF martial artist & bodybuilding MrU&Cal PowerliftingChamp, GuinnessWorldRecord.” He did indeed win a Mr. Universe and Mr. California contest. BUT there is no evidence in existence to suggest he won any judo or powerlifting competitions of merit. Sure, maybe he Jason Genova’d his way into winning a local show, but that is not Instagram-brag worthy. 

Mike O’Hearn teamed up with a bullshit fitness company to promote a $1,500 bastardization of the ab wheel. The commercial on how to use this abomination is a joke — The dislike-like ratio on the Youtube video is at an almost historic 10-1. NOBODY will get jacked off an overpriced ab-wheel. Honestly, you won’t even build abs off an ab-wheel alone. As if we needed another reason to hate him, he went ahead and sold out AGAIN for what must have been a check so fat because it had a thyroid issue.

Mike O'Hearn acts like a god because he looks good. Everybody hates the gym guy that strips in front of the mirror to flex on ya while you're struggling with that 225ib squat (I'M PRE-EXHAUSTED I SWEAR). Mike is that guy. Lifting is not some philosophical activity. It's picking things up and putting them back down to eventually look a little bit better than you do today. Don't make it a musing when it's literally the simplest of all human activities.

Mike O’Hearn sold his soul long ago to appease the gainzs goblins and is one of the worst snake oil salesmen in the biz. 

Monday, September 12, 2016

Why People Hate Devin Physique

Devin Zimmerman, AKA Devin Physique, is a disgraced former athlete of Shredz who’s popularity nosedived once it was revealed that his physique was photoshopped and his personal assistant was the real “coach” behind his “personally created” workout programs.  He made most of his money from noobs paying him for custom workout splits, food plans, and $500 Skype calls. He also required his clients to pay him on PayPal through the “family” option so they couldn’t get refunds. In her tell-all video, his former assistant said that he had cleared over a million dollars in the 10 months before his downfall.

Devin was the poster boy for Shredz, a company that sells false hope. Before he was publicly fired, Devin was the face of Shredz and considered the CEO his surrogate father. The company was a classic supp. company reselling the same old shit under a new name, but with massive social media appeal. Devin was their biggest male 'athlete', and Paige Hathaway was their biggest female 'athlete'. Devin got exposed, and Paige got embroiled in her own drama (to sum it up: 1) got famous off butt 2) sells butt exercise program 3) proof comes out that her butt is the result of photoshop and possible implants). If a brand's two biggest ambassadors are scammers, the brand itself is probably a scam. Especially IF THEY GET CALLED OUT BY BRADLEY MARTYN.

Devin (or his assistant) heavily photoshopped his Instagram pictures. Pecs, abs, delts, quads, obliques.  He photoshoped his images to make himself look “Instagram” worthy. The before and after pics are so drastically different, it’s almost comical. When confronted with the damning evidence, Devin said that he just “touched up” his photos (though he later deleted the video). Kevin also had the balls (or maybe those were photoshopped, too) to say that he only did it because everyone else in the industry does it. Yeah, if you make your living based off how you look, I won’t fault you for choosing a flattering filter or lighting — but this was waaaaayyyy beyond raising the contrast on your iPhone.

Devin’s former assistant then came out and admitted that Devin’s custom-made workouts were actually made by her. She admitted to handling all communication with clients to the point that Devin didn’t even know their names. People thought they were talking to one dirtbag, when they were actually talking to a different dirtbag. As she says in her confession, the only reason she came forward was because he fired her and didn’t give her the money she felt she deserved. She went along with the scam as long as she benefited from it, and when she got burned, she made sure that Devin felt the heat, too. Sooo many juicy details in the 22 minute confession video, go and watch it.

According to reports, Devin ran fraudulent 30 day challenges to pocket the entry fees.  Shredz athletes would routinely run 30 day challenges and then seem to make a fake profile to award themselves the prize money. They include your typical bulk/cut cycles labeled as "transformations" and transformations that are simply impossible to accomplish in 30 days.  

Devin acts like having abs makes him a guru. While his unphotoshopped body may be impressive to normies, it's nothing compared to actual physique athletes. Yet he has the audacity to sell meal plans for hundreds of dollars. His philosophical musings on Twitter are hella cringey and deserve to be on r/iamverysmart. He's a textbook narcissist.

The only thing this guy has been successful in is deceptive marketing. Nobody should admire that.

Why You Should Eat These Foods When Bulking

Buling is eating more food than your body needs to maintain weight so that you gain weight.  The idea is that when bulking and lifting, your...