Monday, September 12, 2016

Why People Hate Devin Physique

Devin Zimmerman, AKA Devin Physique, is a disgraced former athlete of Shredz who’s popularity nosedived once it was revealed that his physique was photoshopped and his personal assistant was the real “coach” behind his “personally created” workout programs.  He made most of his money from noobs paying him for custom workout splits, food plans, and $500 Skype calls. He also required his clients to pay him on PayPal through the “family” option so they couldn’t get refunds. In her tell-all video, his former assistant said that he had cleared over a million dollars in the 10 months before his downfall.

Devin was the poster boy for Shredz, a company that sells false hope. Before he was publicly fired, Devin was the face of Shredz and considered the CEO his surrogate father. The company was a classic supp. company reselling the same old shit under a new name, but with massive social media appeal. Devin was their biggest male 'athlete', and Paige Hathaway was their biggest female 'athlete'. Devin got exposed, and Paige got embroiled in her own drama (to sum it up: 1) got famous off butt 2) sells butt exercise program 3) proof comes out that her butt is the result of photoshop and possible implants). If a brand's two biggest ambassadors are scammers, the brand itself is probably a scam. Especially IF THEY GET CALLED OUT BY BRADLEY MARTYN.

Devin (or his assistant) heavily photoshopped his Instagram pictures. Pecs, abs, delts, quads, obliques.  He photoshoped his images to make himself look “Instagram” worthy. The before and after pics are so drastically different, it’s almost comical. When confronted with the damning evidence, Devin said that he just “touched up” his photos (though he later deleted the video). Kevin also had the balls (or maybe those were photoshopped, too) to say that he only did it because everyone else in the industry does it. Yeah, if you make your living based off how you look, I won’t fault you for choosing a flattering filter or lighting — but this was waaaaayyyy beyond raising the contrast on your iPhone.

Devin’s former assistant then came out and admitted that Devin’s custom-made workouts were actually made by her. She admitted to handling all communication with clients to the point that Devin didn’t even know their names. People thought they were talking to one dirtbag, when they were actually talking to a different dirtbag. As she says in her confession, the only reason she came forward was because he fired her and didn’t give her the money she felt she deserved. She went along with the scam as long as she benefited from it, and when she got burned, she made sure that Devin felt the heat, too. Sooo many juicy details in the 22 minute confession video, go and watch it.

According to reports, Devin ran fraudulent 30 day challenges to pocket the entry fees.  Shredz athletes would routinely run 30 day challenges and then seem to make a fake profile to award themselves the prize money. They include your typical bulk/cut cycles labeled as "transformations" and transformations that are simply impossible to accomplish in 30 days.  

Devin acts like having abs makes him a guru. While his unphotoshopped body may be impressive to normies, it's nothing compared to actual physique athletes. Yet he has the audacity to sell meal plans for hundreds of dollars. His philosophical musings on Twitter are hella cringey and deserve to be on r/iamverysmart. He's a textbook narcissist.

The only thing this guy has been successful in is deceptive marketing. Nobody should admire that.

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