Friday, September 23, 2016

Why People Hate Jason Blaha

Jason Blaha is a fitness YouTuber that makes content aimed at fitness noobs. He is/was a competitive powerlifter, but seems to be over the hump and doesn't really train for much these days. He used to be a bodybuilder, though shoddy records don't prove he ever won a competition. Nowadays, he is best known for being so delusional that he's had multiple YouTube channels created that are dedicated to unraveling all of his lies and fictitious stories. 

Jason's YouTube channel regurgitates the same topics over and over again to fitness noobs. Once you've watched ten videos, you've seen them all. He has so many fucking videos that one of them is bound to pop up on a recommended feed for someone watching fitness YouTubers. They'll sub for a bit, then leave him after they realize he's full of shit -- repeat forever with different people. It's the perfect business plan for a shitty channel.

Jason is allegedly guilty of stolen valor. He's pretended to have worked as a CIA agent and as a mercenary. People called bullshit, and he got his friend to post an anonymous video confirming his fake stories. Miscers or just people with too much fucking time on their hands backtracked this guy, and found that he has absolutely no mercenary history either. I'm sure if someone could actually find Jason, we'd get a great addition to those stolen valor confrontation videos.

Jason preaches certain training methods and dieting routines yet lacks the body to back them up. He's a strong advocate of a 3 day, full body program. All of his videos tout his superior knowledge about training and diet, yet he looks like he's never touched a weight in his life. NOT TO MENTION THAT HE'S ON GEAR. If you're taking PEDs. have been training for over a decade, and you don't look good, you're bullshitting either your diet or your training and are not qualified to dole out advice.

Jason is a filthy hypocrite in all aspects of live. He talks about going vegetarian because he saw a cow get slaughtered. Then he says you're a "little fucking bitch" if you don't eat bacon. He says "little men" attack women. Then he calls Dana Linn Bailey a horse.  He says protein powders are a waste of money. Then he promotes protein powder on his channel for money. The list goes on and on, but these are the highlights.

Jason is either seriously delusional, or our reptilian overlord. He made THOUSANDS of posts on a message board dedicated to a strange conspiracy theory that the world is run by lizard people. Before you say that this there's no way it was him, he admits it all. His excuse is that he was a paid fiction writer who has signed a contract to not give any details about it. That excuse is so fucking crazy it basically refutes itself, but in case it isn't enough, Jason gave personal information on his DarkEternal page that stripped his anonymity dozens of times over. Not something a "professional fiction writer" would have done.

This is basically just a highlight list of what some good folks have put together at It all paints a picture of a sad man with mental issues. But he's still a fucking asshole.


Why You Should Eat These Foods When Bulking

Buling is eating more food than your body needs to maintain weight so that you gain weight.  The idea is that when bulking and lifting, your...