Friday, January 20, 2017

Why People Hate Bradley Martyn

Bradley Martyn is a former  physique competitor,  current fitness YouTuber, and owner of the fitness company BMfit. He is known amongst his fans for being "the realest" in the fitness industry. He is incredibly athletic, and is known for his viral lifting stunts.

Bradley is hypocritical about online coaches. Bradley almost singlehandedly took down Devin Physique. He made a video about Devin and his company Shredz, and that video snowballed into Devin's downfall. One of his most critical points was that Devin didn't personalize his workout programs as an "online coach" and instead relied on cookie cutter routines. BUT as big as Bradley is, I think there is absolutely NO fucking way he does all of his clients' routines himself. Cassidy from Train to Look Good Naked confirmed just as much.

Bradley rips off other designers for his merchandise. Parodies are OKAY. The "If You're Reading This It's Arm Day" is totally fine even though it plays off of Drake's mixtape name. So is the Kanye-inspired "I Feel Like Arnold" shirt. Parody law, bitches. But his pizza hat is NOT okay because there is no parody involved and it is literally just an imitation of Chris Brown's merchandise design. That is plain stealing. Not cool, Brad, not cool.

Bradley is apparently a bad friend in real life. Cassidy from Train to Look Good Naked detailed his attempt to do a video with Bradley. TLDR; Bradley promised to do a video with Cassidy - Cassidy spent over $1k in airfare and food to get out to California to see Bradley - Bradley didn't even give him a blanket or pillow to sleep on - Bradley ditched Cassidy for over 8 hours one day - Bradley decided to not do a video with Cassidy. Those are all asshole moves.

Bradley is fake. Cassidy says that Bradley is not friends with his cameraman in real life and only talks to him when they need to get business done. Calum von Moger also wrote up a a top YouTube comment about how he told Bradley some feelings he was having about his girlfriend, Bradley told that girl about the conversation, and it contributed to the end of her and Calum's relationship. #Fake. Bradley also rants about the greediness of the fitness industry all the time, but charges something like 35k for an Instagram shoutout or a booth visit. Crazy shit.

Bradley hides how he looks. This ties into his fakeness - he wears a hat 24/7 to hide a weak hairline. It just makes him an easy target and I get second-hand embarrassment from his self-esteem issues. It's not even THAT bad. He could easily shave it short and still look as good as ever. But he doesn't, so he earns the nickname BALDY MARTYN.

Bradley is not the savior of the fitness industry, he IS the fitness industry. The idea that so many people don't see it and wait in 6 hour long lines to meet him just boggles the mind.

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