Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Why Bodybuilders Shouldn't Take That Second Rest Day

A second rest day is the phenomenon in which some bodybuilders take off two days a week from the gym. It's often Saturday and Sunday. A rest day gives the body a chance to recover and keeps the nervous system from going full scrambled eggs mode, but two in a row is often overkill.

You are not overtraining. Unless you are working out on 3 hours of sleep everyday, eating a grape for dinner, and doing Rich Piana's 8 hour arm workout, you are not overtraining. Unless you a CrossFitting and doing 300 squats followed by 300 deadlifts, you are not overtraining. Unless you are flailing your arms for 1000 bastardized pull ups, you are not overtraining. You don't need that much rest, dude.

You get off rhythm. Motivation may get you into the gym for that first week or month, because to form a habit you must commit to several weeks of repetition. But after that, regimen is what gets you in. You just go because you always go. If you take too much time off, it's much harder to get back on the gainz train. Why not ride the gainz train with no breaks??

You will never achieve your goals. Okay, maybe that's a bit harsh. But it stands to make sense that if keep resting instead of lifting, it will take much longer to reach your aesthetic goals. If you take an extra day to rest, not only is your body done recovering and that 'rest' time is actually calories turning to fat, but that's a lost opportunity to smash your muscles. If you just get enough sleep, you should be fine with one rest day.

There is no scientific reason for bodybuilders on muscle-split workout programs to take more than one rest day. The fun REALLY begins if you hop on PED's and you never have to take a rest day, just an endless cycle of Rich Piana workouts -- KILL THAT SHIT.

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