Wednesday, January 4, 2017

When You Should Bulk And When You Should Cut

Bulking is eating lots of food so that you gain weight, and cutting is eating much less food so that you lose weight. The idea is that when bulking and lifting, the extra calories will be used to build muscle mass (and a little fat feelsbadman.jpg), and when cutting and lifting, your body will lose fat (and a little muscle feelsbadman.jpg). You can gain muscle mass quicker than if you were to eat at maintenance calories and lift, but it is more tedious and you have to change clothes sizes rapidly. 

If you're > 20% bodyfat, you should cut. Let's face it. The permabulking days are over. You can't eat 4 pizzas on Sunday, deadlift on Monday, and call it even. If you're over 20%, the abs are long gone, the gut is setting in, and any muscle you have is being overtaken by fat fat FAT. Do yourself and the world a favor and diet down to 11%.

If you're < 13% bodyfat, you should bulk. Chances are you are not a Steve Cook 12%. You are most likely a Michael Cera 12% (both are rich, I wouldn't complain).  You have little definition, and even though you may have visible abs, visible abs on a skinny dude are not impressive. Well, maybe to girls, but everyone knows we straight men work out for the guys. Start eating peanut butter and go lift heavy.

If you're 13% - 20% bodyfat and happy with how you look, you should maintain. Not everyone needs to be a freak. Most recreational bodybuilders fall within these numbers. And even if you're not swole, it's ok if that's ok with you. Some people just want to look good in a suit, and if you're a lean 13% - 20%, you can do just that. Sure, bulk and cut cycles are the quickest way to get shredded and put on some MEAT, but you don't need lean muscle to be a success. Value your friends, work hard at your job, and be the best you that you can be. Kum bah yah.

Personally, I started at 140ibs/11% bodyfat, and am sitting at 173ibs/14% bodyfat. I've been working out hard and eating a ton (3k - 5k) for about 1.5 years. The bulk life is nice and it will be hard to get used to eating broccoli and kale for dinner, but I will do it once I reach my eventual form. Life (bodybuilding) is a cycle.

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