Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Why People Hate Marc Lobliner

Marc is a former competitive bodybuilder, CMO of, CEO of MTS Nutrition, and fitness YouTuber with over 300,000 subscribers. Marc has competed in multiple shows in the lightweight 154ib class, with at least two first place finishes in local competitions. Tiger Fitness is essentially Marc’s personal brand, and MTS is the name he’s chosen to label his ‘nutritional’ supplements. The loud manlet stays lean year round, thrives on drama, and does give good tips (occasionally).  

Marc yells in all of his videos. BOOM. He doesn’t just yell at the beginning of the video to get your attention. He yells the ENTIRE way through. It’s almost as bad as the Instagram videos that don’t allow you to adjust the volume. You can adjust the volume on his vids, but quiet yelling just sounds off. He's made it this far while yelling, so he probably thinks that if he stops yelling, he'll lose all his gains, subscribers, and businesses. Best to keep it safe.

Marc is a shill for the supplement industry. He offers protein powders, preworkouts, cortisol control agents, fat burners — all the typical BS you can find at any supplement company’s site. He tries to pretend that over the counter testosterone boosters work, even though the only thing to increase your testosterone is literal testosterone injections. When he talks about his own TRT usage, he even ADMITS that it’s the only way to fix a hormonal imbalance. To put it kindly, he's a sellout hypocrite who cares more about his bottom line than his supporters (who, to be fair, he cares about a lot.)

Marc is (quite possibly) a fake natty. He’s not specific when it comes to gear use, only saying that he has always competed in untested shows. He says that he is now on doctor-supervised TRT and HGH for naturally low testosterone. But he’s yoked, and my brain says that anybody bigger than me has to be on steroids. That, and the gyno. That, and a height/weight/bodyfat % of 5'6/217/9% spits out an FFMI of 31 - 32 which puts him waay above the natty range of ~25.

Marc went crazy on a man with mental issues. Okay, so Jason Genova isn't all completely there. But it's ridiculous to get seriously mad at him for order 66ing you and sending his supporters to down-vote your social media posts. Calling Jason a "scumbag psychopath" wasn't the high road. Marc essentially lost this YouTube beef by blowing up at Jason, the troll. Trolls gonna troll. If you flip the fuck out, that's on you. 

Marc is a drama hoe. He makes videos on other people's drama when he can't think of another topic. It's cheap to profit off someone else's hardships, especially when you don't have anything insightful to say. Marc makes hundreds to thousands of dollars per video, so while it's not surprising that he takes the easy way out with drama videos, it is disappointing.

He has redeeming qualities (he's nice, apparently), but his tendencies to lie and sell-out fail to separate him from the rest of the cancerous fitness industry.

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