Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Why People Hate Fake Nattys

Fake nattys are people who say they don't take performance enhancing drugs, but really do. While it may be challenging to accurately label someone a fake natty because you don't see what they do all day everyday, some bodies are simply not achievable through just hard work and proper nutrition. A simple FFMI calculation can tell you if someone is juicing, but be aware that many people who do not look remarkable can also be doing steroids - reddit user Dddddjohn calls them, "dbol dads."

People hate liars. This is the most basic of reasons. In a world filled with lies and bullshit, people like to think that there are genuine human beings out there. If you have a physique  that is clearly not natural, but you're claiming it is, many people will recognize this bold face like and resent you.

Fake nattys epitomize all the bullshit in the fitness industry. People love fitness, but the only people that love the fitness industry are those making money from it or those too ignorant to know better. The fitness supplement industry is predicated on the fact that people believe their heroes are not on steroids and just look like super beings from protein powder and hard work. This is not true. Fake nattys are usually ingrained in the industry, and their lies are at the center of the industry's success.

People hate on success and shroud that as hating fake nattys. Let's do a 180 on the fake natty haters. People hate it when other people succeed. Haters gonna hate, or something like that. They will look for any little thing in their life to bring them down a notch and belittle their success and popularity. Because if they succeed, that means you can't, right? There's only so much success in the world to get, right?

It makes people feel better about their own (lack of) progress. Anybody smaller than me is a wimp and anybody bigger than me is on steroids. They HAVE to be on steroids. If they weren't, there's no way they could be be bigger, more defined, AND stronger than me. I mean, I've been in the gym for 6 months, I pretty much know all there is to know. I drink my Cellucor C4 preworkout 30 minutes before I get to the gym, I drink my MyProtein BCAA's between the sets, I never do cardio (RIP gains, am I right?), and I have me Optimum Gold Standard whey drink right after I work out. Fuck these fake nattys, bro.

People don't understand the politics of bodybuilding sponsorships. If you want to focus on bodybuilding full time and not do gay4pay, you often depend on sponsorships from supplement companies. They will not pay you if you admit to doing steroids, because then they're followers will know that their results are not because of protein powder and BCAA's. Everyone's gotta eat, so can you really blame them?

I blame them if they shout they are natural from the mountaintops and act like those who point out the obvious are on crazy pills. But if they're just not admitting to steroids, I let it pass. Who wouldn't take a fat check that only stipulated that you couldn't admit to taking PEDs?

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