Monday, October 3, 2016

Why People Hate Vegan Gains

Richard Burgess, AKA Vegan Gains, is a vegan/fitness YouTuber who is best known for his "Worst of the Fitness Industry" series. He's amassed a massive subscriber base of over 200,000 people in under 2 years who love him and hate him (based off that like/dislike ratio). He moved to Belgium to be with his girlfriend that many say looks like Harry Potter, but recently announced that he is moving back to Toronto.

Richard is vegan. People irrationally hate vegans. They see them as weak, inferior, and stuck-up. Men see it as emasculating. It doesn't make much sense, but it's true. Why else would there be dozens of buzzfeed-type articles on the subject? Even if Richard was an angel, some people would hate him because he's vegan.

Richard is an aggressive vegan. This is more rational. I don't like aggressive people. He's the kind of vegan that stalks people and accuses them of torturing animals. And he does it with friends! It's uncomfortable. It's awkward. Nobody likes that shit.

Richard shits on people's heroes. Richard's most popular series is titled "Worst of the Fitness Industry". He has countless videos tearing apart fake nattys and all of their training and dietary advice. And then he recommends they go vegan.

Richard wanted to film his grandfather's death for a YouTube video. For a lot of people, this was the last straw. Richard's grandfather had a heart attack after a life of terrible food choices and little exercise. Richard wanted to film it to show people the consequences of not being vegan. The internet went crazy and almost universally condemned him. People said he was trying to profit from his grandfather's death, and then they profited from his misfortune by making videos about it.

Richard has blamed complex diseases solely on meat consumption. He's made multiple videos blaming popular YouTuber Furious Pete's cancer on meat consumption. To the immense outrage of Pete's fans. In reality, there are infinite causes to cancer and Richard can't possible predict the cause of Pete's cancer without any kind of formal medical training.

That all being said, I'm a subscriber cause I like the roasts. This shit, however, is not what I signed up for.

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