Monday, December 5, 2016

How Strongman Training Differ From Powerlifting

Powerlifting is a strength sport that tests an athlete's proficiency at the squat, bench press, and deadlift. The sport does not take into account looks, which explains fatty lifters and skinny girl superwomen. Strongmen are strength competitors who test their skills across a variety of activities like the log lift, farmer walk, and tire deadlifts. They are typically big tall monster men.

Strongmen don't spend all day jerking off barbells. In powerlifting, competitors focus on the squat, bench, and deadlift. All barbell work. Strongmen do log lifts, keg flips, and crazy farmer walks. FUNCTIONAL STRENGTH, AM I RIGHT?

Strongmen typically don't have weight classes, instead focusing on absolute strength. You have tall dudes like The Mountain facing short guys like Eddie Hall in the same activities. You'd think height would be an absolute advantage, but it's not. In powerlifting, competitors are split into classes because strength typically correlates with bodyweight.

Competitive strongmen ARE fat. You don't need to be fat to be a powerlifter. You can just compete in a low weight class and look DYEL but be really strong. Plenty of people do that. However, to be a strongman, you literally have to eat 10k calories a day and you get super fat. Don't get me wrong, if you cut, you'd be jacked, but right now, you're just a fat man with inhuman strength. Sacrifice for the gainz.

Strongmen are much less safe than powerlifters. Hate me, but it's true. Strongmen are lifting way more weight in much weirder ways for much longer time. Lifting 300ibs logs isn't normal. Farmer walking mini-cars isn't great for your body, either. How can somebody safely spot you if you're lifting 500ibs over your head?

Strongmen can only train in specialized gyms. Every gym worth its sweat has a barbell. The only ones that don't are Planet Fitness outlets and hotel gyms. But I've never been inside a gym with a loglift. Those kinds of gyms are relatively rare and expensive. Just one reason why we'll never have a champion strongman from Montana.

Strongmen are basically powerlifters on (more) steroids.

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