Friday, December 2, 2016

Why Bodybuilding Is Good For You

Bodybuilding is the frequent use of resistance weight training to cause hypertrophy muscle growth in the body. The sport has evolved into thousands of competitions across the world, with the most prized one being the Mr. Olympia contest.

Your clothes will fit better. Well, working out the right way will make your clothes fit better. You will build muscle on your arms, shoulders, chest, and legs. You will buy stretchy pants that are 8% spandex and they will feel great. You will have to buy shirts a size higher than you used to, but they will look better.  You should not wear suits. Your clothes will no longer be hiding your body, they will be framing your gainz.

You will be more confident. Honestly, even with little visual changes, you will still feel better. You won't feel like a fat fuck for watching Netflix on the couch if you've been working your ass off in the gym all week. You'll feel superior to the people you see on a daily basis who are out of shape. This will help you in public places, at work, and with the ladies/dudes. You know it's for the dudes. Girls don't care about you rear delts.

You can eat what you want. Within reason, duh. But if you're not competing, and you're in the gym most days of the week with sweet cardio, you can pretty much what whatever you want and not get fat. It's still calories in vs. calories out, but those calories in will build muscle instead of going straight to fat. If you're not super short, not super old/weak, and have never been obese, you won't have to go hungry to make gainz.

 At 5'8'', I eat 3000 - 3500 calories a day and maintain/slow bulk at a current 171ibs/12% bodyfat. It doesn't make too much sense (that's a lot of food for a shorty like me) but I roll with it.

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