Monday, December 12, 2016

Why Powerlifting Is More Dangerous Than Bodybuilding

Powerlifting is a strength sport that tests an athlete's proficiency at the squat, bench press, and deadlift. The sport does not take into account looks, which explains fatty lifters and skinny girl superwomen.  Bodybuilding is the frequent use of resistance weight training to cause hypertrophy muscle growth in the body. The sport has evolved into thousands of competitions across the world, with the most prized one being the Mr. Olympia contest.

The weights are heavier. This is a given. Bodybuilders don't need to squat insane numbers for growth. Quads are some of the easiest muscles in the body to grow with lightweight time under tension. Powerlifters, however, are not interested in hypertrophy, they are interested in lifting the most amount of weight possible. The increased stress on the joints leaves athletes more prone to injuries.

The workouts include more compound movements. Compound movements can be great if the appropriate weight and form is used. They use multiple muscle groups and promote the most growth. However, this also means that they put more stress on the body. Bodybuilders may have a 'biceps day' where they focus on curl variations, but powerlifters will have a 'deadlift day' where they primarily focus on deadlift variations with curls added to the end. Deadlifts tax the back, biceps, and legs.

Form and one rep maximums do not go hand in hand. Ya wanna go crazy for the gram. I'm not judging. But let's face it. When your 1RM is 275 on conventional deadlift and you decide to say "Fuck it, I'm going for 3 plates," your form will likely be worse. This is not always bad, as you need to push yourself in all sports. But if you look like a frightened cat you are putting your spine at risk. Powerlifters are more likely to push for bad 1RM because they care about weight, while bodybuilders can get pumps off of 20ib dumbbells and resistance bands .

Powerlifting encourages stimulant abuse. Bodybuilding and powerlifting both use performance enhancing drugs. But I'd argue that powerlifters use more stimulants. Sure, average preworkout will have caffeine. But bodybuilders don't need to get FUCKING PSYCHED to do a superset. Powerlifters really do need to get FUCKING PSYCHED to deadlift 1000ibs. So they load up on caffeine to the max and use nose tork when competing. If you use too many stimulants too often, they lose their effectiveness, you use more, repeat cycle. Then you need to get the fuck off them because you can't afford 30 caffeine pills every workout and you suffer from withdrawal. Shit sucks, b.

The required eating leads to digestive issues. This probably applies more to strongmen, but the same thinking applies to powerlifters, as well. Strength and bodyweight are unfortunately correlated. So, if you want to be the absolute strongest in a lift across weight classes, you will have to get fat-strong. To many people, you will look like just another fatty. But gym bros everywhere will respect the superficial sacrifice to get fuckin yuge. Some of these fatties have to eat 10k calories a day. That leads to digestive issues that leave you feeling real sick.

Chances are, if you obsessively pursue any sport, you will deal with injuries. But in powerlifting, if you are a noob, you are even more likely to hurt yourself.

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