Friday, November 4, 2016

Why Every Single Supplement Company Is Scamming You

Supplement companies sell nutritional dietary products that are often advertised to aid weight loss and bodybuilding. These companies include Optimum Nutrition, Cellucor, MTS, and COUNTLESS others. They often have famous fitness celebrities as product ambassadors. Every roided up good athlete likely has one or others as their sponsor, and credit their success to them in exchange for a big fat check.

All of their money is spent on marketing, not the product. Sleek packaging. Weird mascots. Commercials. Sponsored athletes. Sponsored events. If creatine is so fucking cheap, how can these companies mark it up 100 - 500%? They're not selling a product, they're selling the dream of being ripped. And people pay out the ears for that shit.

They won't reveal the ingredients in their 'proprietary blends' because they are cheap bullshit. Several supplement companies won't list the ingredients in their supplement, instead citing a "proprietary blend" in their ingredient list. They pretend that they don't want to give away their formula because then other companies will copy it and steal their customers. Really, though, they don't want to customer to know that they are paying for the same bullshit they could get off Amazon for a quarter the price.

Every company sells the exact same product under a different wrapper. They all have caffeine, creatine, beta alanine, and some kind of BCAA variant. Anything more is useless, and anything less -- you are not getting your money's worth (not like you would anyway). The biggest difference between products is not their ingredients, it's their fancy packaging. Therefore, you are ALWAYS better off buying the cheapest supplement with the ugliest packaging.

Their sponsored athletes don't benefit from supplements, they benefit from steroids. Citruline Malate won't give you a sixpack. Maybe better erections, but not a sixpack. Only diet, work, and sleep (and a little help from PED's if you're so inclined) can do that. But supp comps push this lie that you need to buy THEIR product to look like THEIR athletes. It's not true. If their athletes look like their on steroids, they probably are.

They tell you that you are not good enough. Yeah, yeah, maybe this is a shallow point. But it's true. Supplement companies tell you that you = not sexy, but you + supplement = sexy, like their athletes who supposedly take the supplement. Maybe you let your friends roast you, but not supp comps.

They are are modern day snake oil salesmen. Fuck them all, even the beloved Bradley Martyn's company.

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