Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Why Rich Piana and Bostin Loyd Fight Each Other

Rich Piana is the head of 5% Nutrition, a popular fitness YouTuber, and a former competitive bodybuilder. He first became known in the online fitness community for his viral 8 Hour Arm Workout video. Few people know that before injecting hamsters into his triceps, Rich was once upon a time Mr. California and had a pretty great physique. However, after falling victim to a cringeworthy tattoo artist and succumbing to crippling body dysmorphia, Rich took his body to the next level and truly left humanity behind

Bostin Lloyd is the CEO of Team 3CC and a former competitive bodybuilder that rose to internet fame by disclosing his entire PED regimen to anybody that would listen. His initial one year steroid transformation went viral online and triggered nattys and YouTube fitness celebrities all around the world. He’s admitted to having done every kind of steroid that he could got his hands on, with undesirable side effects (including lactating… ew). 

Bostin used to be Rich's protege and then went rogue. Basically the foundation for any Shakespearean story. Bostin used to be just a young lad sticking needles up his ass and did some vids with wise old Rich before he blew up with Bigger By The Day. Then all of a sudden Bostin started calling out Rich for some bullshit (like his Mexican surgeries, lying to his fans, etc.) The grasshopper has betrayed his master.

Rich cares about fitness 'celebs' who bitch about him. If he didn't give a fuck, there would be no beef. When some random ass dude tried to challenge him to a fight, Rich made videos about him AND THEN people took notice. No one would have cared if Rich didn't respond. Same with Bostin. Rich says he doesn't care, then he makes a 50 minute video explaining how he doesn't care. He cares.

They compete over the same fans. They're both disgustingly huge and take a ton of drugs: Bostin shows himself injecting shit and Rich has publicly posted his drug schedule. They both have a ton of muscle but are not particularly aesthetic: Bostin has a gut and Rich has ape tits. They both own supplement companies: Bostin has 3CC and Rich Piana has 5%. There are only a certain number of people who admire these types of dudes, so they gotta grab them up when they can.

They both got egos to feed. They both have an air of narcissism about them. They're both rich, but with delusions of grandeur. They think their bodies are attractive, despite their obvious flaws. As a result, they attack anybody who disrespects them as if they're the goddamn president.

Any publicity is good publicity, even if it's from beef. Bostin's fans will side with Bostin, and Rich's fans will side with Rich. People like me who don't care about either of them will still pick a side and become more invested in who comes out on top. This kind of attention will translate to sales of both their products. Not from me, but likely from someone.

It's entertaining and harmless. Still, you never know where Rich will take these things.

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