Friday, November 11, 2016

Why People Hate Bodybuilders

Bodybuilding is the frequent use of resistance weight training to cause hypertrophy muscle growth in the body. The sport has evolved into thousands of competitions across the world, with the most prized one being the Mr. Olympia contest.

They think bodybuilders are vain. Vain is defined as "excessively concerned over one's appearance." Most non-professional bodybuilders aren't "excessive", they just want to look good. If you're a pro, then you should be excessive about your job because that's what's making you money and that's how you live yo life.

They think bodybuilders are dumb. For whatever reason, there's this cultural connection between being smart and looking terrible. As if all nerds have to look like Erkel. What about Milhouse? People like to think themselves superior to others, and intelligence is just one standard of measurement they use. Because if you're lifting weights than you must be taking time out of your book-reading part of the day, right?

They think bodybuilders are bullies. The henchmen in your favorite superhero movies are big. Usually just fat, but clothed up so you can't really tell. In history, people have used their size to their evolutionary advantage. If you didn't have the elk meat, you go beat the guy who did and steal his elk meat. We live in a civilized society, but these stereotypes persist. End the hate. Open your mind.

They hate drug users. If you're a pro bodybuilder, and even if you're not, you probably use performance enhancing drugs of some sort (or multiple sorts!). People liken steroids to cocaine or heroin for whatever reason. Heroin and cocaine are physically addictive and incapacitate you from contributing to society. They are easy to overdose on and kill yourself with. Steroids are none of this and literally only make you bigger and stronger. Shouldn't we all be on steroids? SHOW ME THE BODIES.

They are jealous.  "Everybody wants to be a bodybuilder, but no one wants to lift no heavy ass weights" - Ronnie "Magic Lotion" Coleman. If people didn't want to look great, the fitness industry wouldn't be so fucking huge. This comes down to jealousy. You see somebody with a better body than you, so you hate on them to make yourself feel better. "Yeah, they might be fuckin huge, but I bet they have no life/hate their mom/still use AOL." It's primarily done by people who hate their own lives so much that they project their vile thoughts onto others.

Orrrrrr they hate us cause they ain't us. Not more complex than that.

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