Monday, November 7, 2016

Why The Most Popular Fitness Accessories Are Rip Offs

The fitness industry sucks, with people trying to rip off noobs left and right. Getting fit is cheap; all you need is less food and a Planet Fitness membership. But just like any hobby, you can spend as much money as you want to make yourself feel better.

Lululemon clothes. The clothes you wear account for 0% of the gains you make. Yeah, I get the look good --> feel good --> lift good connection, but you don't need to spend out the ass for clothes that look swell. Lululemon is incredibly overpriced and plain. You buy it for the logo, not the quality of clothes, and the brand is still so small that most people won't see it and think you are the bad ass bitch that you aren't.

Fat Gripz. Otherwise known as $40 PVC pipes that cost 5 cents. I understand how it might work your forearms, but wanna know what else works your forearms? FOREARM EXERCISES. Wrist curls, reverse curls, farmer walks. You don't need to spend money to make gains. Especially on products so stuck in the 90's they think replacing 's' with 'z' is cool.

Squat shoes. I get their use if you're a power lifter or squatting heavy weight. But let's get real. Most people who squat won't get over 225. And even if you do, squat shoes only help if you have poor ankle mobility. So save the $200 and just stretch ya ankles every few days.

Weight training gloves. Come on dude, you aren't going to get AIDS from a fucking barbell. Well, actually, ok I guess there's a tiny chance. But still, you can get sick wherever you are. At work. At school. At home. Even if you don't believe in god, you should believe that what is meant to happen will happen, regardless of any attempts to prevent it. So don't be a wimp and wear gloves, all that says about you is that you want your hands to remain smooth for jerking off. If you're seriously that scared of germs, you probably shouldn't be in the gym, anyway.

Extra gym memberships. YA DON'T NEED MORE THAN ONE MEMBERSHIP. Unless one of those memberships is to a jungle gym. Ho ho ho. You don't need one chain gym membership and one CrossFit membership. If you want to get fit, jacked, or strong, you only need to go to one gym multiple times a week.

Disregard this article if you're rich. If you are, buy whatever the fuck you want to buy.

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